Networking XP and Mac; router: mac basestation


Laptop on XP Pro
Laptop on XP Home
Powerbook on OSX 10.3.9
iMac G5 on tiger
ROUTER: Mac Airport Base station

How can I share apps and transfer files with these computers. I am using airport extreme base station as my router. All of the computers can access internet with this setup. Neither of the PCs are networked, I think I have to setup the router also. How can I make it share apps and files with this setup?
Connection is from dsl modem to router and to the computers. Do I need to use third-party software to make this possible or what setup should I do in the airport admin utility?

Thanks in advance!!!

Well, first run the Network Setup Wizard on both laptops. Make sure that during the wizard, you set the "workgroup" on both of them to the same name.

Sharing files on windows - Right-click the file/folder you want to share, then click "Properties" then the "Sharing" tab. Check "Share this folder on the network" (enter a name for it in the box) and also "Allow network users to change my files." - This will allow you to make changes, add files, etc... to that share.

To connect to a PC share from Mac, Click on a blank space of your desktop and then click the "Go" menu and then "Connect to server...". Type in smb://computername
(Replace computername with the name of the PC. Can be found by right-clicking "My Computer" and then "Computer Name" tab.) - It will then ask for a username and password for the PC (This is the same username and password you use to logon to windows. If you have no password leave the passord field blank). You can then select a share on and it will appear on your desktop. Note: I'm not exactly sure about which way the slashes go... if // doesnt work try \\.

I dont know much about setting shares on a Mac, but this should help:

I think that Workgroup Manager is an Application in the Utilites folder.