Never Winter Nights will release late.


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Never Winter Nights (by BioWare) was going to be released simultaneously on Windows/Mac/Linux. They have stated this in press releases and in their FAQ for months.

But when they finally announced the shipping date (the other day), they decided to go back on their promise, and said that now they'll won't release it until sometime in the fall - probably 4 months after the windows version is released. I'm glad that they are releasing it on the Mac, and I appreciate any games company that is forward thinking enough to do so.

But what invariable happens to me is that no matter how excited I was about a game coming out, once I've had to wait 4 months for it to come out on the Mac, and all my PC chums have been playing it for 4 months... well when the release time finally roles around I'm just not that interested anymore, I'll be drooling over the next game to be released late for the Mac. :( :( :(
It's the way it is. The Mac is NOT a great gaming platform, for the reason you've stated, mainly. Get a PS2 and connect it to your TV system for your gaming pleasure, use the Mac for what it's really good for.
Things are starting to pick up though... you have to admit that.

Just look at the pile of games just out now, or soon to come out. Aspyr and MacSoft are seriously working their butts off, and things will improve even more as technolgies like "Cg" (Nvidia's new graphics programming language), that game porting technology (cna't remember the name) and Apple gets behind the game developers and offers more incentive and shelf space at their stores....

really, things are far better now than they ever have been for people that want to play games on their mac.
Have they said why the are going to release late for the Mac? From what I had understood they were right on schedual to release simultaniously.

Was NWN going to support OS 9 or was it going to be OS X only. If it was the latter its possible they are going to do the same thing that happend with RtCW where you get it ready to go and then it gets back ported to OS 9.

Edit: After doing some research it seems that its being held back mostly by the development of the NWN Toolset. I was under the impression that we weren't going to get that anyway, but I still don't see why they can't release the client before the toolset. Atleast then people could play the game some, even if they can't write their own senarios.
the Mac is NOT a great gaming platform

This is entirely untrue especially considering most games are OpenGL based and that's where OS X really shines. For instance, Quake 3 on my Cube 450 runs with the same FPS on a 16 MB ATI RAGE 128 Pro when compared to my dual P3 1GHz PC with a 64MB GeForce2 MX 440 running Windows 2000. On a PB 550 with 16 MB Mobility Radeon, I get about 20 FPS more. Yes, this baffels me as well but it's true and leads me to believe the Mac has potential to be an awesome gaming platform. id Software has also stated that "OS X is a great platform for games." Perhaps the reason Quake 3 runs better on a Mac for me is because it has been optimized for the AltiVec architecture. The Mac user bases is what hurts our chances for gaming, not the software or hardware. When only 5 out of every 100 titles you sell are going to be for Mac compared to Windows, would you really focus your efforts towards that market or pawn it off onto another producer who's not ashamed of a smaller piece of the pie?
Someone mentioned toolset for Mac. Is this true? Can somone point me to a link that specifically says the toolset will be available for the Mac. If so, that rules. I was in the process of having a buddy of mine set up some old PII for me just so I could develop for NWN.

For the record, NWN's own site has conflicting information about the Mac release date. The far end window says "end of summer", but another source (Press Release?-not sure where I saw it) said closer to a two month delay, which isn't so bad. Unfortunately, I'll bet it really will be more like four months, as developers always underestimate delivery dates.

Either way, this game coming to Mac is a very big thing.