Access Points are what makes a network wireless, and sometimes they come bundled with a router/switch/etc as well. The Apple BaseStation is an AP bundled with a bunch of other stuff. But standalone access points are no different than bundled access points (unless companies put more effort into bundled AP's, which I haven't heard but could be true).
I've already posted here a couple times with my rant on this but it's been a while and the situation hasn't really changed so....

Airport Base Stations are WAY overpriced. Around $200 overpriced. My roommate just got a D-Link wireless AP + Router + 4-port 100Mbps switch with full 24-hour Mac support for US$130 at CompUSA. I'm sure you could get it even cheaper elsewhere. You can get the Linksys equivalent model that I've had for the past year for under US$100. Compare that to US$300 for an Apple Basestation, and it doesn't even have a switch built in. The only reason to even think about getting a basestation is if you use dial-up, and even then there are much, much cheaper 3rd party solutions out there, I just haven't tried them. (Can't go back to dialup after using broadband! No! I won't!

I've been using a
Linksys Wireless Acess Point + Router + 4-port switch in our Apartment network for a little over a year now and it works perfectly. We share a cable modem connection and drilled a hole to our neighbors' apartment next door and connected them up too (shh! don't tell my landlord!

). 2 people downstairs and one across the hall get in wirelessly as well. And I'm no networking expert!
We have a total of 2 Mac's and 11 PC's connected (we have a switch and a hub uplinked to the router as well). The 2 Mac's and 4 of the PC's can (and do) go wireless as well. I use my PowerBook to configure the Router via its webpage configurator all the time. Works great!
I would never, ever recommend getting an Airport Basestation and I can't figure out how Apple can get away with charging so much for it except that people are so scared of wireless networking that they will pay around 3 times as much for an already expensive product just so that it's Apple branded so that they'll know it will work with their Mac. Trust me, third party solutions will work (at least the LinkSys, the D-Link and every other AP I've tried) and they will work in the same way, they are easy to configure, and they will generally work better/have more features.
Most wireless access points today are configured with a web browser, so almost all are Mac compatible even if they don't say so (like my Linksys).
I've been playing with my roommate's D-Link 614+ for a couple days and I've been very impressed with it. Better range than the Linksys, many more configuration options (and I thought the Linksys had a lot!) and 24-hour support, including for Mac's! (Linksys doesn't offer support for Mac's.)
Still, if I were thinking of putting together a network like bjurusik is talking about I would definitely get the new Linksys 802.11g hardware that devoferns mentioned. You can read about it in their press release here:
The "Wireless G Broadband Router" has a
list price of only $150! That's half as much as Apple's BaseStation, it's 5 times faster, is more configurable and has a 10/100 5-port ethernet switch! I think I'm definitely gonna have to upgrade my equipment for Christmas!