New Apple Campus

Here is Steve's speech ...

I don't have much of a presentation, I just came down to tell you something and get your feedback on it.

When we started Apple in our parents garage thirty years ago, we started on April Fools Day. And after about a year, we moved to Cupertino. So we've been here for almost thirty years, and we've been here ever since.

What's happened at Apple is that our business has basically tripled in the last five or six years. We've gone from six billion dollars in sales to twenty billion dollars in sales, and what thats meant is that our head count in Cupertino has dramatically expanded. So we are now - we have that great campus down there at 280, but we are in thirty other buildings now. You know we've rented every scrap of building we can find in Cupertino, to put our people, and they just keep getting further and further away from the campus, which in the whole situation is pretty inefficient and frustrating.

So, we decided - many months ago - that we need to build a new campus. Umm, and we didn't think that we could do it in Cupupertino. Pretty much, there ain't a lot of apricot orcahrds left in Cupertino. So we figured we would have ot go outside of Cupertino - and we looked. And you know you can get land a lot cheaper than you can in cupertino, in some other places in the valley, generally towards 101, umm, but after looking at a lot of things we found something in Cupertino that was a possibility. Its more expensive, a lot more expensive than we could get elsewhere, but it was something where, ahh, we could stay in the area where we liked best.

and so, we've actually gone ahead and acquired, this property - its actually nine seperate properties. and by putting these together we can make approximately a fifty acre campus, and you know put 3000-3500 people. So we've actually gone ahead and acquired this land, and its basically the land thats on 280 and Prune Ridge and Tantau, that piece of land right across the street from I think its the hundred-acre HP park. And its got buildings on it, its already zoned commercial. And our plan is to basaically take down the buildings and put up some more efficient structures, a campus basically, we want something nice.

So we're pretty delighted. You know we haven't started designing anything yet. It'll take us three or four years to design it, get all the approvals, get it built and stuff, and when we're done we plan to use both campuses, we plan to keep the one we have and have the new one.
Cont'd ...

(cont'd) and we will be able to hopefully fit all of our folks in both. And we're pretty thrilled, I just wanted to tell you about it. So we'll start a design process in the next few months to figure out what we're gonna do and come up with some ideas but I think we found a way to stay in Cupertino. And since we're your largest tax-payer I thought you might be happy for this.

(council laughs)

Yeah. And we'll probably get larger still. So, umm, that was really what I had, tonight, to just tell you. We've found something that we hadn't expected, and its cost us more than perhaps we'd like, but hopefully in five years we'll have forgotten about that, and just have a nice campus - a second nice campus - in Cupertino.

COUNCILLOR: "Thank you so much, thats great news ..."
I see they had a full house there. No one must have known Steve would be there otherwise there'd be hundreds of people lined up outside to watch ;)
Haha, I couldn't help wondering how ZoranB would react if he happened to be one of the three or four people sitting there in the council chambers waiting to argue about dog registration.