New BEOS coming?!!?!?

Originally posted by MacFreak
One of my friend told me that BEOS will coming back. Like I said it's impossible since Apple bought BEOS.. Will YellowTab get some legal issues with Apple?

Take a look at

Be's assets were purchased by Palm, not Apple. Read yellowtabs info about where they sit with the whole licensing issue.
Originally posted by MacFreak
Oh gosh.. I forgot about that Palm bought it not Apple.. How stupid i am! :rolleyes:

That's ok, I'm sure you just had a wishful flashback to 1996 ;) Which sorta brings up the question of what would OSX look like now if Apple had indeed purchased Be instead of NeXT?
I heard that BeOS' metadata BFS file structure would be in osx... I hope so that would be tight. I am looking forward to Panther!
There are several open source projects going on that are based on bringing BeOS back alive. Some do it by using Linux as a base. However, I don't give those projects a big chance right now, as the 'biggies' in linux are looking at a more streamlined future. (Red Hat's BlueCurve etc.)

BFS style metadata handling in OS X would be nice, but if that's gonna be in Panther...
The engineers who created the BFS filing system is now employed at Apple, working on implementating a full fledged journaling filing system in to the next OS X release...