New Cinema Display is... white?!

Are the next PowerMacs going to be white?

  • Yep

  • Nope, probably not

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I wouldn't really know much because the only computer I've ever had would be this iBook. But: havn't the cinema displays always been white? eh?
Oh, yeah, duh, hehe, I thought the previous displays were a little more chrome...
BUT... notice the new Apple logo, it's shiny, like on the new iMacs, you see? Hehe ;)
The new Apple style is snowwhite. All their new products are white: ibook, imac, ipod, that new screen, the imac mouse, imac keyboard. So the new Powerbook G4 and Powermac G4 will come out soon AND they'll have a new style, the snowwhite-style, probably! Apple is too predictable (in the way of the style eh! not the power of the products :p )

No way.
Apple have always kept the Power-designs and iDesigns apart(except for the B&W PowerMac), I beleive it'll be the same way with this. PowerDesigns will be updated soon, I do think so, but that will happen with the PowerBook, and it won't be snow-white.
Why do you guys think this is white?


With exception of the silver Apple, it looks exactly (color-wise) like the older displays:

Hummm.. ok, this time you're right Voice. I think when i sayd that, I was a little bit too tipsy :p.

i dunno but i think it will have a more white look similar to the iBooks & iMac G4... the PowerBook will most likely still be Titanium (since putting it in white would make it look sorta like a totally hyped up iBook)

that's my guess...

i wonder what SPYMAC thinks?! :D LOL!

Black... Pure Plack... But With SHIMMER!

(Note: That quote is fake...)
I can almost guarantee that some "power-" machine will be white. PowerBook, PowerMac... something. All I know is that they'll definitely do white on some new product, because it fits with all their existing looks. Then there will probably be a very new look for the PowerBook after that. But come on, a Titanium tower? It would look like a 1950s refrigerator! :)

Apple may do something vaguely "Ti-esque" but I don't think it's all that likely. Notice the old PowerBook's black never made it to any other machine. I doubt the Titanium look will either. (No, the QuickSilvers do not count.) Frankly, I'm getting tired of the Titanium look, because next to the new iBook it's so boring-looking now. Steve is probably thinking the same thing. Speaking of Quicksilvers though, why not a Quicksilver-inspired PowerBook? Not quite Titanium, but sort of midway between Ti and Silver... it could happen.

On the other hand, what about a black desktop tower? Like, a good black, not Dell's patented CrappyBlack™ :). What do you think? Looking vaguely Pismo-esque? I think it's possible... but I do think white is in first.