new completely cocoa FTP client


Mac Ninja
It looks like panic might finally have something here....

Download Transmit. Version 2 for OS X is all cocoa, and the core is NcFTP

Seems to finally be the FTP client Mac OS X has been needing for so long. We'll see.....
With RBrowser you can't edit files in the FTP site using BBEdt. That pretty much rules it out for me. Also, this app seems to be extremely slow on drag and drop operations.

I use NetFinder but I am not really happy with it (it has a propencity to crash when attempting to download a few hundred files at the same time).

I tried Transmit, but when I tried to download 400+ files it crashed.

I was using Anarchie (and loving it), but StairWays torqued me off (for some reason I can no longer remember) and I went with NetFinder. I have not really been happy with it.
Over the years, I have tried to replace Fetch several times as my primary FTP client - but there was never a tool that was so complete and yet easy to use as Fetch. Plus: No other player was ever able to have a killer feature (i.e. kill Fetch).

Although it's a Carbon application, it's working incredibly well also in OS X. You can get a free educational license for version 4.x from their site (or use the demo version for some time).

(This may be a very personal thing, but I never 'got' why other FTP clients use a two paned window by default. It's easy enough to drag from/to the Finder, isn't it?)
I agree with fryke. There's a little brown dog in my Dock, and it'll stay there until I find something as good as Fetch 4.02.

I downloaded Transmit 2 three days ago…_it's not doing bad AT ALL !!! I'm just waiting to see if it's 100% stable, as Fetch is at home.
solrac - yes, it was the new version of Transmit.

I'm a student (grad school) maybe I'll get me a copy of fetch. although I never warmed up to it. also, most FTP programs will let you turn off the local view (I never understood that either). I was happy with Anarchie, but then it turned into bloatware....

I just tried it again and it worked flawlessly! NetFinder always craps out part way through the download. I should mention that the download is drag and drop 17 items at the root of the web site. There are many subfolders there (none go more than 4 levels deep) and the file sizes range from 2K to 16.8MB.

Maybe I'll give Transmit another whirl afterall.
went to use transmit... I noticed that there was no keyboard shortcut for the edit menu (this is a faitly major inconvenience to me) and then... horror of horrors!!! when I selected edit the file opened in a window within transmit!!! another huge ugh! can't use transmit if it won't let me edit with BBEdit... *sigh* back to NetFinder (and hoping that apple's finder ftp client gets read/write capabilities...
In Transmit, you can hide the local view. In between local and remote views there is a little widget you can drag. If you drag it all the way to the left... there you go.

Also, I have keyboard shortcuts for everything in the edit menu???

Also, when you edit a file in Transmit, you are editing directly on the server. If it opened the file in BBEdit, that would be editing from the local drive. If you want to use BBEdit, you should simply have an FTP mirror on your local drive and just double click the files locally in the Finder, which opens BBEdit, then save, then upload when you are finished.

The Edit command in Transmit lets you edit directly on the server without downloading.

And Fryke, what the hell is a "kill feature, i.e. (Kill Fetch)"????
Originally posted by Javintosh
....and hoping that apple's finder ftp client gets read/write capabilities...
What do you mean? The Finder mounts FTP sites as though they were regular network volumes. You can read them. You can write to them. The real power of this feature is that you don't have to download files on FTP sites to use them.
Originally posted by MisterMe
What do you mean? The Finder mounts FTP sites as though they were regular network volumes. You can read them. You can write to them. The real power of this feature is that you don't have to download files on FTP sites to use them.

Nope. You can not write to an FTP volume mounted in the finder. There is no way to assign permissions to it either.

Even as root in the terminal, you cannot. It is not even a permission denied error. It is a "read only file system".

(terminal output, attempting to move from desktop, to a mounted FTP volume)
solrac# mv /Users/solrac/Desktop/
mv: rename /Users/solrac/Desktop/ to Read-only file system
solrac - the edit command under the file menu does not have a shortcut. In other apps (anarchie, NetFinder and others) when you select to edit a file, the file is downloaded to a temp directory in the local drive and that temp file is opened in BBEdit (some FTP apps let you select the editor) then every time you save the file, the FTP client uploads it in the background.

This is the functional equivalent of the edit selection under the find menu. Nothing beats browsing to a file, selecting it and hitting a key combo to have the file "open" in BBEdit.

I usually do this when developing php web site. I usually, need to save/see results hundreds of times. I like to do something small, refresh the browser and see the changes...

Maybe other people can, but I can't write hundreds of lines of PHP flawlessly without checking the output. :D

right now, I have a site that's maybe 20% done (db functionality only, it looks like crap) so far the php library is over 1200 lines long (no word wrap). The edit functionality in transmit is no match to BBEdit (I wish BBEdit let me split a window into n number of sections rather than just 2).

as to the finder's FTP, it is read-only. I just tried it.
Javintosh, you can right-click on a php file in Transmit and select "Edit" from the contextual menu.

It won't open BBEdit, but for a super small change, you don't even need BBEdit. Ideally it would open in BBEdit but for small change-refreshbrowser-change tasks it should work fine!

I sent Transmit peeps an email suggesting allowing external editors. It's still better than fetch :p
After trying it I also sent them an email suggesting that they allow external editors.
and also suggesting that they more the garbage can to the toolbar (so I can hide it), if it worked with BBEdit I would definitely switch.
dude, javintosh, just use the ftp built into BBEdit for your php needs. all you have to do is hit command-s and it saves it to the ftp location you got it from. you can also save copies to make sure you're in sync with your computer.
I know... I've been trying, but for some reason I subconsiously keep going back to an external FTP client...

maybe that koolaid was from Peter Li!
The developer replied to me saying there will be support for external editors in the next release this week!