New Forum??


Thought it would be cool to have a Mac Books forum. Any thoughts? I know I have at least four mac books, with two on their way to my house (from amazon). It would be a great place for us to dicuss our opinions on mac books, and tell which books are worth the money, etc. Any Thoughts?:rolleyes:
really not a bad idea. people ask about books every so often in the different forums. I think it would be a fine addition next time the site gets played with by admin. might not be a very fast moving forum but that's ok.

and after the first bunches of posts get moved to it from genersl discussion people might even find it and use it. :p

no really, good suggestion joohnny v - the man to be!
so herve, is this a good book or is it beginner level?

I recently bought 'mac osx: the complete reference'. i think the title overstates what it really is, but i bought it because it had the most complete and easy to read sections on the new utilities including terminal. much of it i have already picked up thru using x and thru this site. but every now and then while thumbing thru it, i find something useful. i'm still not sure if it is worth the $37 i paid for it but at least i have one other source when this site is slow.:)
It is entry-level. I have choosen(received) this because it's xmac. BTW I will receive 98% on dactylo thanks to this site.
way to go on your 98% herve!!! you must be doing it right. here's wishing you more success in the coming new year:)

Happy, happy new year to you herve!!:D

btw, between this site and that book you should be well prepared for osx when you eventually get a mac. i wish i had done a little more of that kind of reading before i started using it full time.

i'll bet the first thing you do is find the terminal and see how it works, eh?:cool:
I have ordened an Imac by Easyware in Leuven, but my father found a way to cancel the order. This has ported me to The problem now is that the only song that I wrote 'Let's the dj' is under great pressure, because Sabam(RIAA) is complaining that I didn't do any promotion for it. At the other site I prefer that it is not my voice.
yea herve, i remember your talking about your dad cancelling your order before. i am hopeful you will find some way to get one during the upcoming year. i know you will love it. :)

so if the performa is the father of imac, then the original solid body mac as seen in my new avatar must be the grandfather of imac!!:D

it must be hard to understand the book sometimes withut the actual system and mac-chine to look at as well.:(
eh, herve, qu'est ce que le mot que on utilize en france pour "typing" ? "dactylo" ??? -- c'est un mot grec he he :)

-- herve's university is further than mine :p no macs have OS X yet on them, not even my office mac -- trying to get my boss to get me a snazzy G4 lol
