New forum


I reckon needs a new forum... purely for .mac posts.

Maybe it's just me; it seems people are getting tetchy with each other about something that's nobody's fault. I know discussions can get a little heated now and then, progress isn't made without dialogue - but is there bad feeling creeping in, especially in respect to the .mac mess?

I'm not having a go at anyone! It's easy to get worked up. The discussions about something pretty much out of the control of the buying public seem to be getting a bit personal.

I didn't join these forums to read arguments (I can go to the Quark forums for that, take a look for yourselves!), I joined - I have to be honest - to take advantage of the OSX experience and problem-solving capabilities of other Mac users. And for a bit of Machumour.

Don't jump on me - probably I'm misunderstanding that communication on these boards is different from a normal discussion environment.
Naw, there's about 2 real topics about .mac out there and the rest are just people who never checked...I think I've seen 5 topics linking to free .mac mail in the help-section at Apple, none of them ever got it to work...

The moderators just have some work to do, that's all