New Forums?


I know that this is a big ask, but is it possible to have a) A mac gaming forum, and/or b) A Music Technology forum. I am into both of these, and I know I am far from alone.

In case anyone doesn't know, Music Technology is using MIDI to record and totally create music on the mac. We do it at school, and I know that other members on this site are involved with it.

I notice that there's a Graphics forum, so I hope it's not too unreasonable to ask.

I think these are a good idea. Gaming and Audio deserve forums. Possibly a Video/Audio forum hybrid and a game forum. I'm pretty sure MacNN has forums for gaming, not sure about Audio or Video though.
Seriously, the music Technology component should be put into a forum.

I know now that at least 2 of us use our computers for DJing ;)

So PLEASE bring in a new forum :D
I third that :cool:
I'd also like to see a Mac Hardware mod/overclocking forum, although no one except from me seems to think that's a good idea ;)