New guy


Hey, I'm new around here, a friend of mine recommended it to me. Heh, about time I found a decent Mac forums. I hope to post frequently in the future, and I'm sure I will. Oh, and my friend was looking at the Apple Instant Loan, and was wondering if he would get the thing he wanted and not pay until after 2004. So, please tell me if that's correct and I could break in the good news(I hope). I'm gonna get me the best eMac they have in the Apple store.:D
Hello unknown :D

I'm not sure of the conditions of Apple loan so I can't give you a 200 % sure answer or confirm on that - I can just give you a 200% welcome here! Have fun! ;)
Get now, pay after 2004? 2005 you'll be paying full price for something no-one wants anymore, that is...

Anywho, welcome
the apple loan i got wasn't bad. i just paid it off in big chunks every month, so it only took me like 7 months (just now paid it off). That way i got to avoid alot of interest charges too :)
Interest rate is sky high, like 21%. You might have a better interest rate on your credit card.

But my recommendation, if you can't pay cash, don't buy it.

Houses are an exception, cars should be paid for in cash, but life isn't always that nice.

Thanks guys for the welcome. I think I didn't make my friend's question more clear, he wanted to know if he DO get the product first then he can pay monthly after 2004?
Originally posted by TheUnknown
Thanks guys for the welcome. I think I didn't make my friend's question more clear, he wanted to know if he DO get the product first then he can pay monthly after 2004?

Hi there, I'm sure you're going to be a good friend here ;)

Notice it's in 2004, not before. Yea, he does get the Mac first, that's what loans are for, right? :)
I suggest your friend to click the Apple Instant Loan link on the right tab of the Apple Store site and read though everything there before applying for anything. Although I think he'll be happier if he saves up the money first.
You should be honored btw, Scott doesn't show his head outside of his secret nest that often :D
Oh, I think I am honored now. :) Now I can tell my friend the good news, I think he'll be very happy. But, since this is a mac forums, I gotta be honest with you guys.

I am a victim of windows, yes.. I'm stuck using this windows ME, which is as bad as stepping into hell. I'm gonna get a eMac when I get enough money, I'm gonna buy the best eMac.
Hey, open up and share all you want. Probably about half the people on this board switched from Windows, or still use Windows regularly. Fortunately for me, I don't fall into either of those categories.

BTW, if your friend recommended you here, (s)he should have a screen name, right? What is his/her screen name? We'd like to thank him/her for recommending you to this board.
:) :) :)

Hi, TheUnknown, and welcome to our little forum.
We're friendly here, a little obsessive-compulsive when it comes to computing, and always willing to Think Different. I'm sure if there's anything you want to know about anything Macesque, you'll get plenty of answers here.
In the meantime, don't feel so bad about being a PC user. Now that you've realised that things don't HAVE to be that way, you'll find lots of new ideas that you hadn't thought of before. Dipping into Linux is just one example.
Anyway, make yourself comfortable, and drop by Herve's Bar & Grill in the Cafe some time if you want to let your hair down.
