New harddrive for USB iBook


I just received a 20GB 5400rpm replacement drive for my old iBook. I would like to burn everything on my existing 3GB drive to the new drive and then replace the drive - evrything would stay the same except I would have 17 more GBs. What's the cheapest and easiest way to get this done? There is no firewire or writable cd drive in this model. Thanks for your help!
Cheapest way is to borrow the services of a friend with a computer that has a few gig to spare, and establish a network between the two. Transfer your document files over the network, and then replace the ahrd drive.
You'll need the install CDs to get the OS up and running, then you can transfer the documents back over the network link.
This is the cheapest method because the most hardware you'll need is a network crossover cable, and maybe a network card for your pal's computer.