I love my iBook. I like the range on the airport card (coupled with my Cisco Aironet which has a better range than the airport base station), I love the weight and solid feel, I love the ports that are built into it, I like the battery life, and I like litte glowing apple on the lid.
However, after owning it for 10 minutes I named it "eyechart". The screen is nice and it's viewable from a wide range of viewing angles. Still, a bigger screen would be nice.
As for spymac being full of it I'm not sure. Any quicktime experts out there? I know that with streaming video usually only the parts of the image that change are sent over the wire. I wonder if the words "welcome to iWalk" not jumping are a result of video compression?
I can't help but think of all the people who were positive the cube and the quicksilver were fake. If you say eveything is fake you're going to be right most of the time.