New iBook?


Italian Cool Mac User :-)
A friend of mine, here in Italy, has ordered an iBook 800 from a store...

Well, it's been two weeks if I remember right... and now iBook yet...

Looks like they are waiting something new...

Ciao :D
Dream on. ;-)
It's just _the_ store and _Italy_.
Where did he order it, FNAC, Mediaworld or something other?
It's a company taht sells PCs and Macs... and get them from big places... and somebody told us something, but not to me and I still have to check...

Anyway... I'm ready to buy a new PowerBook 15 :cool:

and I'll wait... ;)
On the Apple store the ibooks were available as normally, when I passed in the last time .. must have been Sunday. :p

Anyway, normally about 95 % of rhe rumors are just rumors.. ;)
wow, you order things to buy them? i always just buy things in the store, my local store that sells apple products is pretty good. I'd say it's as good as an Apple store.
Don't they usually take 4-6 weeks or something to ship? My dad's iBook that he got through his work took something like that, and we're in the States.
Yea. Anytime, just wait about half a year and there will be something boosted out there. iMacs and iBooks have been boosed appr. evey half year for the last - at least 3 or 4 - years. So if the last 2 modifications have been in last May and last November, the known 6 months rule could apply.

About that macrumors rumor ... they promised new ipods last year. So if the 6 months rule didn't apply this time, maybe by november...
uh-oh, might be time to sell the ibook then, while I can still get a pretty decent price on it. I have the 800mhz model, and was going to go to a 12" PB anyways (ive been doing a lot of graphics stuff lately, and the G4 could really help).
That kinda sucks... now I have to hurry.
Why? The rumoured 900 MHz model has nothing but 100 MHz more... Those won't do THAT much good. The 800 MHz model will still be quite okay... I'm thinking of getting a PB12" when it's a little more mature, i.e. sometime in 2004.
Well, 900 Mhz is not much more, but we all hope that new iBooks will have something more... Bluetooth and Airport Extreme... :o

I hope... even though I'm waiting for the new PB 15"...

Ciao ;)
Only if the difference between the lowest PowerBook and the highest iBook can be kept. That's also a reason against Bluetooth inside (earlier iBooks never had InfraRed, while PBs had that) and against AirPort Extreme...

If the iBooks had 700 or 800 MHz G4s by now plus Bluetooth and APE inside, too many people would buy those instead of the PowerBook line... So, until the PBs are at least on a much higher clock speed: Nope.
That's not necessarily true. Multimedia designers will always appeal to the PB. Whereas the iBook has a broader sense of users/audience. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing that there's that gap. iBook users shouldn't be cheated away from all the G4 processor has to offer.

That's just my thought. I'm not as insightful or technical as the rest of the regulars here.
Originally posted by Giaguara
Yea. Anytime, just wait about half a year and there will be something boosted out there. iMacs and iBooks have been boosed appr. evey half year for the last - at least 3 or 4 - years. So if the last 2 modifications have been in last May and last November, the known 6 months rule could apply.

About that macrumors rumor ... they promised new ipods last year. So if the 6 months rule didn't apply this time, maybe by november...

OOPS! ;)

Looks like the rumor sites are right on ipods now though. They said end of april and sounds like that one will come true.