New iBooks an improvement???

absinthe man

Ok, so here's my dilemna. :confused: I was thinking about getting a 14" iBook (needless to say, with a puny G3 architecture, I decided to get a TiBook..and I like it!). However, it was my understanding that Apple had basically said that the G3 was no longer able to meet the demands placed on it by OS X. The lack of support for OS X was the major factor in my decision to get a TiBook. So, with the new iBooks (posted at sporting faster G3 processors (and therefore no upgrade for about six months), what are the chances that they're gonna finally get a G4 in that sucker? It doesn't make any sense! Is anybody on my side!!!!
I agree. I've never realy been impressed with OSX on an iBook. I get the feeling Apple is going to be releasing some ovehauled machines in the not too distant future. It seems like some of the recent upgrades are just to tide people over until something else is ready. Perhaps all of the machines will get updated motherboards with DDR and Gigawire (maybe faster AGP)? They have been pretty quiet about these new configs.
Maybe 10.2 will run like a dream on the new iBooks and that's why Apple didn't see a need to drop a G4 in it.
Originally posted by wdw_
Maybe 10.2 will run like a dream on the new iBooks and that's why Apple didn't see a need to drop a G4 in it.

Speculations ? I'm just at the point of buying a iBook, to "move and work" easier. Would it be better to buy the new generation ?
the ti book is great, but i still think there are to many probs with it, hot bottom... one burned my prety bad one time. and the airport messes up sometimes. but besides for that its fine.... ddr ram and a ghz g4 would make it a godly portable, maybe my mom will write another grand and upgrade her power book g3 to a ti book.......:rolleyes:
Originally posted by absinthe man
However, it was my understanding that Apple had basically said that the G3 was no longer able to meet the demands placed on it by OS X. The lack of support for OS X was the major factor in my decision to get a TiBook.

WHERE in the world did you hear that Apple said that G3s could not handle OS X?

Let me tell you: my mom has a 600 MHz combo iBook at home, and it runs OS X like a dream. Sometimes it seems even faster than my G4 cube (see sig). Seriously, there is NOTHING wrong with OS X on an iBook, and it's actually quite a nice experience. That can only increase with the 700 MHz iBooks with twice the L2 cache.

If you want the portability of the iBook, go for it. You won't be disappointed by the speed of OS X.. it will be totally acceptable. The new iBooks also have a nice graphics subsystem.

One thing, though, is that Apple will most likely update the iBooks again before Jaguar is introduced – they might simply update it with a Radeon 7500 Mobility with 32 MB VRAM. Apple will no doubt want the whole product line to be able to take full advantage of Quartz Extreme, and since the recommended amount is 32 MB VRAM, expect that in the next iteration of iBooks.
I had been using an iBook 500 DVD for about 8 months as my main (and only) computer and it worked just fine. The 10 gig harddrive was rather weak, but speed was a non-issue.

However, I have since sold my iBook because I'm looking for something with a lot more HD space and a CD-RW. Unfortunatly, I will most likely NOT be returning to the iBook unless 2 things happen:

1) 32 mb video ram (for QE)
2) a G4 (or some crazy new G3 with Altvec)

I'm sure the current iBooks run OS X, my rev A model did, but at this point I can't see spending $1500 for a G3 when I can spend the same amount for a very nice new iMac.

I know the G4s have heat-issues and asking for a G4, 32 mb Radeon mobility in an iBook is ridicules, but that's the deal. :p
I have my doubts about the iBooks' VRAM moving to 32MB any time soon. The iBooks seem to be targetted at the educational market more than anything else, and I don't see Apple thinking that Quartz Extreme is a necessity in that market. You have XGA resolution with 16MB of RAM, and you can't even span that resolution, I don't see Apple jumping in and upping that.

Who knows.
Well, I'm buying a 12.1 inch 700mhz iBook within a month, and it's my philosophy that with computers, you shouldn't wait for the next thing, or you'll never buy one.

The REAL test will be to see how the 700 G3 fares against my 700 G4 iMac ;)

G3 will NEVER have AltiVec. EVER. Period.

My Dad's 550mhz TiBook gets WAY too hot. I'd be using it on my lap most of the time.
Well, now that the new iBooks are there, I can ask my question in different terms.

I was thinking about buying an iBook as a second machine, just for mobility.
All I need is a quite fast machine, working for 3-4 years.
Important (may be) : I will upgrade the machine up to 640 Mo RAM.

Now my reseller is going to propose me two different models at the same price :

- an "old" iBook 600 combo with a "stock protection rebate"

- a new iBook 600 CD.

In the first solution, I will own a combo. DVD is useless for me, but the CDRW is comfortable for my use.

In the second solution, what will I get more ?
- 512 Mo L2 cache instead of 256
- 16 Mo VRAM instead of 8 (and a quite better video card?)
Will this really improve the performance ?

Both configurations will be available at the same time. What do you think I should do ?
Well, remember, with the new model, even in the 600 model, you can order it with a combo drive. Are you definately not considering a 700 model? I'm getting one with 640mb RAM (I think a must ;) )

With the Video card in the old iBook, Quartz Extreme won't work, but it will in the new model. This could be a huge advantage with OS X.2
I would opt for the newer iBooks. If you want a combo drive, I would suggest you look into the 700MHz version. The reason is that the new combo drives writes at a faster speed than the old ones (8x versus 4x). Also, the improved GPU (ATI Radeon would be better for OS 10.2, since you would have the basic requirements for Quartz Extreme). On top of that, the new iBooks have double the cache than the old ones, which would make them perform that much better even if you get the 600MHz version.

Definitely go with the new iBooks.
Originally posted by roger

out of interest, why? what graphics cards do they have?


The first and second generation dual USB iBooks have ATI Rage Mobility (Rage 128) chipsets. For Quartz Extreme, you'll need at least a Radeon.
I'm gonna buy a new iBook.

At least, a 600 only.

Considering that the 700 models are only manufacturing with combo, that a DVD drive is useless for me, and than I own a thin and external FW CDRW, the 700 is 500€ too much expensive for me.
But for sure, it's a must, Hypernate.
I thought you could build-to-order a 700 MHz iBook with just a CD-ROM drive. You might want to check on this before you commit to a 600 MHz iBook.
Right. In fact, the build-to-order is nearly useless with ibooks. The only thing you can change are RAM and HD. And my reseller don't want to do such a modification by himself.

a pity...