New Macbook Pro Seems Slow??


I just bought my first macbook pro yesterday and it seems very slow...

I know how to Quit Programs and the only thing that is on is Spaces x4 and firefox.

I am trying to install plugins but it seems like the plugins for Quicksilver comes to a Screeching halt...I am trying to install the plugins one by one because bulk seems to stop install in place.

I am trying to install the Quicksilver Plug-in Eclipse(&) but it is at a full blue bar and still saying install in QuickSilver.

Also I have little snitch on my macbook that good or bad?? I usually Allow Forever ALL Apps I know I will be using...Does little Snitch interfere with the Mac Firewall because my Mac Firewall is setup for Allow ALL Incoming Connections...I heard about little snitch and have NO PROBLEM deleting it if it causes issues...I feel like I am on a Vista Machine with Little Snitch and when I tried Uninstalling with the install.dmg it still didn't get rid of little snitch fully.

Please help this is My First Mac EVER an trying to get the most out of it while not slowing it down or adding useless apps.