New Meat Question


iMac Dual 2.0 17'
I briefly used Linux in college. I have been playing around with X11. So Far I have gotten Xchat and gimp to work, rather easy. Although, is there a way to configure the Xterm? The fonts are so small I barely read them. Basically I am askinf is there a way to customize the Xterm window?
ctrl-righclick on the mouse to change the font in an open xterm, to change it on run, you can do: 'xterm -font 9x15' which is my personal favorite, or any of the fonts under /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts. You can also make an .Xdefaults file in your home diretory and add the line:
xterm*font: 9x15

or whatever font you choose adn that will be the default font xterm will use.

Cool thank you. Not sure how to make a .Xdefault file. I got it to work from just entering the command.