new Powermacs..?


when are those new powermacs coming out, any rumours on theese? they are waaay overdue, and i'm waiting for the new rev to go get one..

can anyone please guide me to other threads where this has been discusses(a search didn't really help)?
maybe we could get a decent discussion about theese, now when they finally let all those powerbook speculations loose..;)

what is there to expect, and what is average concerning shipping when the new models comes out? shipping from day 1, or several weeks/months of waiting...?

thanks for any help..

They got a tiny speed bump not that long ago.

If you mean Steve coming good with 3.0 GHz dual processors, I don't think these will come around for a while yet.

I _guess_ we'll see them before WWDC, but WWDC is 'Power', i.e. it would make sense to release them then.. The order in which we'll see updates in my opinion: PowerMacs, eMacs, iBooks. Apple might want to use WWDC for _something_, and of those 3, PowerMacs make the most sense. Always helpful are lists that show when something was last updated. MacRumors has one of those at ... According to that page, the PowerMac G5 revision is already two months late, so WWDC is a bit too far away... Ah, gosh: Let's just say Apple will ship new G5s when IBM's ready. :p
thats where i looked before i claimed they were overdue.. what kind of speedbump was the last one, ceroc? and when? last summer...?

must have missed that one, i guess..
