New Safari!

I don't see any new stuff. Maybe it's all back end stuff.

Ohh heres the list

What's New Safari Update 2-12-03 improves compatibility with popular web sites, displays web pages and Flash content more quickly, adds XML support, increases standards conformance and improves stability. The update also works with self-signed security certificates. now loads properly. Before the tabs at the top of the page would be slightly off centered to the right. Cool build, I'm glad they are coming this way instead of 1 beta and then wait a while for a final. :)
in an age of bloatware, it's nice to see that it the new program is smaller.

build 51 7.2 meg
new build 6.9 meg

Originally posted by pds
in an age of bloatware, it's nice to see that it the new program is smaller.

build 51 7.2 meg
new build 6.9 meg


Why so big? the one I downloaded was 2.9 megs...
I need to do more tests, but it seems faster so far...On the pages I have loaded (which were probably cached from the version it replaced) the pages loaded in half the time it used to take, and the loading process went smoother. I just cleared out my cache and reloaded, and Safari ripped right through it. Definitely a difference, I would say. If my counting was correct, it loaded it in two seconds.

Also, according to Macnn readers, some of them are still having problems with online banking while using Safari. I don't have any desire to test that- so I will leave it to em ;)
it has gotten rid of a slightly annoying bug that i used to get when loading the forums - the first 2 threads would often display along with a big black block for a second before then displaying the rest of the page correctly. now it just smoothly loads the page.
Originally posted by edX
it has gotten rid of a slightly annoying bug that i used to get when loading the forums - the first 2 threads would often display along with a big black block for a second before then displaying the rest of the page correctly. now it just smoothly loads the page.

YES!! Thank Goodness!
Hmm, not too sure about being faster. It still seems pretty close in speed to Chimera, my preferred browser.

The biggest test I give my browsers it failed. How does it handle foreign fonts and pages. This test isn't so much for me but for my wife. She is Thai.

I tested the site:, my wifes favorite site, and safari CRASHED after I tried moving the window to the left so I could pull on the window resizer to make the window bigger so i could see where the text began. The page loaded off center. i couldn't even see the left side column or the beginning of the text in the main column.

However i must say it did load some of the other Thai sites quite well compared to the sloppy job of the previous beta. Those sites are:

For others out there who use Safari for non-roman character sites how does it stack up for you?

Keep up the work Apple. And get some TABS!!
Point of Clarification to my previous post:

Safari didn't crash immediately. It crashed after I moved the window to the far left and then pulled the window-resizer a few times.
Strange enough: The update HASN'T just replaced the app. Either it contains a German.lproj itself or it has just updated the old app without removing my custom-installed German language pack. :) It's still there... Gotta love Apple...
One big CSS bug has been eliminated. If you had hover-links in a paragraph (on one line, for example), it would stay highlighted when moving the mouse out of the focus vertically. It's fixed. :) :) :)
Hotmail loads with out a problem, and pogo game rooms load, but you can't join a game. You can, but then you can't see it and you never get to play. But it is getting closer. chat, and another site I use still don't work. But I am still happy with it.

I think the best, best feature of Safari, the one that will actually make it complete very, very fast, is the bug-button.

Apple gets our feedback. Directly and on the point. OmniWeb, with its Crash-Catcher, has a similar entity, but it only catches the actual crashes, not the bugs.

My personal feeling is that compatibility issues will be solved within two months time, and that by May we might see improvements to the UI. Whether Apple will include a tabs feature or not: This is one fast developing browser.
I don't see it in software update... could this be because I never got the old update? and if so could someone hit me up with the link to the old update?
I'm still using Chimera, but Safari is definitely coming along. I don't believe the previous build had Copy in the text selection context menu, and this one does. I also like the Google Search option in the context menu. Very very cool. But, I wish there were an option to open it in a new browser window, or better yet in the future, a new tab.