New Security Update 2005-002


The Late: SuperMacMod
New Security Update 2005-002
Now in Software Update and

Security Update 2005-002 delivers a number of security enhancements and is recommended for all Macintosh users. This update includes the following components:

Java Web Start
Core Java classes

Security Update 2005-002

Available for: Java 1.4.2
CVE-ID: CAN-2004-1029
Impact: Updates Java to address an issue where an untrusted applet could gain elevated privileges and potentially execute arbitrary code.
Description: A vulnerability in the Java Plug-in may allow an untrusted applet to escalate privileges, through JavaScript calling into Java code, including reading and writing files with the privileges of the user running the applet. Releases prior to Java 1.4.2 on Mac OS X are not affected by this vulnerability. Further information is available in Document ID 57591 from Sun