New Site Colors: 2 Color Options


Staff member
Okay, we finally spruced up the site a little bit. You have two available options. The default "IntenseOrange" which is rather INTENSE to say the least. You either love it or you hate it.

We do have one other optional selection. It is the absence of color theme, aka IntenseGray. You can choose this as your theme by going to the User CP (Control Panel) select Edit Options, then choose Set Style.

You are set, from now on, whenever you come back to the site, or login, your color selection will automatically take place. So your eyes will hurt no longer.

I like it. just a touch more color like the dark blue ad for the certification would be nice, but i'm not complaining. This may be duller, but it is easier to read. Thanks for giving us options. choices are wonderful things. :cool:
I like the new layout.

Two issues though,

1: Some of the buttons on the site seem to have a hard time loading, I had to restart IE totally and some still don't completely load. So it may be me, or it may be a server problem.

2: The ad is a little.. strange.. Could you cut off about 3 pixels from each side so it doesn't "strech" the entire layout, or was that the intent? :)

Anyways, the new layout is great. I'm on IntenseGrey now, pretty neat. Maybe offer intensewhite or intensebeige in the future? :p
it's definitely a little intense. I like it for reading text, it just makes me want to scroll into the text area as soon as I load the page. Something about that dark pumpkin ... hurts me. But reading the teaxt areas is sweet. I guess in the theory of "it's the content, stupid." this theme serves the site well.
oohhh, the buttons are back and they are orange. i like that little touch of color. could we get all the buttons to have the color?