New Smileys


Official Pianist
Can't we please have some more Smileys, like the ones here?
I know that the images used there wouldn't fit in with the board's color scheme, but I bet someone could redo them! What to heck, I'd redo even them if I that was what was needed. (All except the animated ones, but they don't need to be animated, do they?)
Yes, those are some cool smileys. I used to hang out at that board a lot, about a year ago. Thats how I know about them.
Adding a few of those wouldn't be bad. Like cool, confused, and jumpy. Sleepy ain't bad.
actually, smilies are part of the coding side of the site - the domain which still remains under control of Scottw (aka Admin). i doubt we are going to see additional smilies anytime soon, this discussion has been raised several times in the past. never hurts to bring it up again. we never know when things might suddenly change. :)

but please don't hold your breath. i don't want anyone passing out, falling over and hurting themselves :D
Some smilies from MSN are also quite good. More communication oriented. I like to coffee cup (a beer would not be bad... as long as it is forbidden for young members). The original smilies are a little bit too loonly, like tech geeks... I think computer is now out of silicon age (equivalent to stone age for other tools) and part of the communication age... so the smilies should adapt too.
Just checking to see if this works:


You can use these, but you need to make them IMG links to the the other site... Not quite as easy as ":-wave"...
