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Hi, i have a problem and i can't seem to find the fix, my co workers and i usually share files by mounting to each other via an airport express, but one co worker accidently deleted his volume "named xxx" now when i see him on the network and try to mount to him he's missing the volume and i can't mount to him. i can see my other co worker and mount to him no problem, how do we fix the problem? he's ran disk utility and tried to repair the permissions but no luck. is it something i have to fix on my macbook or does he need to reinstall his osx. i'm using a new macbook and they are using ibooks but we are all using the latest osx.

Thanks sorry i couldn't find any solutions through the search engine, they all refer to external drives.

If someone has accidentally deleted a volume on their machine, then you need to restore that volume on their machine. You won't be able to mount something that simply isn't there.
accidently deleted his volume named xxx

What exactly do you mean?
Was this a second volume on his machine?
If it's not mounted on his machine, you won't be able to connect to it.
i can't mount to his primary volume, when i want to access his dropbox under his share folder. But i checked, his share folder is there he can connect to me, but when i click on his computer name and then try to mount to him as a guest i do not see any volumes therefore i cannot connect to him at all.