New to Mac, what are my WiFi options?


-I just got a free used G4 iMac(i think). It's the one with the half sphere base and the flat panel screen. It has an ethernet port on the back, but i already have a wireless network in my home which our PC's run off of. I would like to get the iMac online as cheaply as possible. We're running cable internet with a linksys wireless modem. The iMac is, and will be next to this pc at all times.

Can i just run an ethernet cable from the pc to the iMac? I doubt this would work, but i thought it was worth asking. If not, what options do i have as far as wireless cards? I don't need to get an 'Airport' do I? Are there wireless cards i can run on the iMac that will give it internet off my existing connection?

If none of this seems to be a good idea, what would the cheapest alternative be?

-Would this iMac be able to (from a hard wear standpoint) run World of Warcraft?

-Additional info. The PC is a Dell Dimension 3000 running XP SP3. I'm really not sure what all the iMac has, though i belive it's OSX 10, it tires to go to a 'history mode' or something when i click on the 'OSX 9... Applications' folder. I have a Linksys wireless adapter that is no more then 20 ft. away, but is a floor above. And the PC gets its' internet from a D-Link Wireless adapter.

Thank you in advanced!
Hi Doc

Does your modem/router have ethernet ports? If yes and iMac is close enough then you can just plug a network cable from imac to modem to get internet.

Wireless options are, original airport card from eBay or there are various USB wireless cards that should work, just make sure they have Mac OS X drivers. I have used this one before-
Any Mac compatible wireless card/usb device should work with your existing wireless network.

I play a bit of Warcraft, I doubt your iMac would be able to play it, I have tried it on a G4 1.67 and it was pretty much unplayable, the new expansion is pretty hard on hardware.
