New to macosx


Hi you guys,
I'm new to the site (just found out about it a couple of minutes ago)
I've been mainly surfing other Apple related sites to read about latest stuff going on at Apple.

My main intrest is Apple and all related topics, that includes OS X too. (Jaguar makes me drewl)
I hate pointless discussions and especially hate guys flaming others.

Looking forward to have a chat/discussion with you all.

Yeah, welcome aboard! We try to keep the flaming to a minimum here and we have a bunch really smart guys that get into some great discussions. Hope you enjoy!
Welcome to Airlines! Exits can be found to your front, to your side, and to your back. There will be a feature film during our flight, as well as two meals including dinner. We hope you will enjoy your stay here, and that it will be a safe stay as well.

Again, thank you for flying! :D
Originally posted by Trip
Welcome to Airlines! Exits can be found to your front, to your side, and to your back. There will be a feature film during our flight, as well as two meals including dinner. We hope you will enjoy your stay here, and that it will be a safe stay as well.

Again, thank you for flying! :D

Two meals?! How long are we stuck on this flight?! :eek:

And i hope the feature film is Twister :D

Originally posted by Kriek
Hi you guys,
I'm new to the site (just found out about it a couple of minutes ago)
I've been mainly surfing other Apple related sites to read about latest stuff going on at Apple.

My main intrest is Apple and all related topics, that includes OS X too. (Jaguar makes me drewl)
I hate pointless discussions and especially hate guys flaming others.

Looking forward to have a chat/discussion with you all.


I think you've come to the right place :)
That depends on whether you consider a virtual-bar-and-grill for us Mac-Maniacs to be "pointless" :p
Anyhow, you've definitely come to the right place. I've found you can ask about anything here from PHP to Java to AppleScript to Fink, and be guaranteed that someone will answer you in a day or two.