New tricks needed for old Newton dog


This grandpa hopes somebody can teach him to suck eggs.

On my rocking chair I have an Apple eMate that runs Newton OS 2.0 and has PCMCIA slots and a mini 8DIN socket.

On my chequers board I have an iMac G4 running Mac OS X.2 (Jaguar) with USB, Ethernet and FireWire ports.

I'd like these two pets to talk to each other so that they can swap stories and files, preferably without having to enter the Classic environment because it brings back sorrowful memories of my youth.

What's the best hardware/software solution? My pension is all but spent so cost is a factor. Also, I am getting slow so please speak slowly.

I hope there's a youngster out there who can help.


It's still in beta, and right now all it can do it sync Address Book and iCal data, but when it's finished (and I trust it will be soon; it's updated fairly regularly) it will have a plugin architechture that will allow you to build custom plugins using Cocoa or AppleScript.

I recommend putting an ethernet card in the eMate and hooking the two up that way.

Here are a few more links...
Thanks phatcactus.
Does Newtsync allow me to move rich text format files from OS X to Newton OS2 and vice versa? Please excuse my ignaorance - I'm only familiar Newton Connection Utilities.

Thanks also for the ethernet advice and useful links.


Should I buy a Newton off Ebay?

I am kind of wanting a PDA, but I HATE graffiti... Is Newton's hand recognition software like Inkwell, because Inkwell is pretty great.

Glaskin: NewtSync does not currently do anything with text files, but there has been much talk of a plugin for this on the NewtonTalk list.

Inline_guy: A Newton 2100 (or an upgraded 2000 -- the same thing, really) might run you just over $100 on eBay -- a steal considering its $1000+ price. :) Inkwell is based on the Newton HWR (a direct port of the Newton font "Casual" is even included wiht Mac OS X) so if you like Inkwell, you'll love the Newton.

brianleahy: They might be a lil' big, and a lot old, but I'd hardly call them "behind the curve." There is a very active community of users still supporting the devices, and recently software that allows us to use 802.11b cards and ATA PC cards has been developed, along with an MP3 player, blogging client, an RSS/RDF feed client, and the synching software I mentioned. A video player are being developed right now, I believe, but I haven't seen it in action yet.

I'm very curious to see what replaced Graffiti on the Palm. Maybe it'll finally be time to switch... :: Prays for HWR ::

- Brian
Hi phatcactus,
Would the Newton software for an 802.11b card that you mentioned allow my eMate 300 to communicate with an Airport card in a G4 iMac? Is this another connectivity solution?
I'll run all the way home to doublecheck the Newton OS version on my eMate 300. If I survive the exertion and it turns out to be OS2.1 then I'll bother you again in about 15 hours ....
Hi phatcactus,
My eMate 300 runs Newotn OS 2.1! So I'll check out the 802.11b software link you posted. Many thanks.

Rockin' rolls, my friend. Lemme know if you need any help with anything. Of course if you really start using it, you should join the NewtonTalk list. There are many people on there much smarter than I. :)

- Brian