ddma The Most Stupid Member Jun 20, 2002 #1 Very nice http://www.nttdocomo.com/html/middle2_Media_vision2010.html
whitesaint cocoa love Jun 20, 2002 #2 IMO, it is way too far fetched. I saw their product that has 29 million japanese users or whatever, its no big deal its just a PDA with internet access.
IMO, it is way too far fetched. I saw their product that has 29 million japanese users or whatever, its no big deal its just a PDA with internet access.
F fddi1 Registered Jun 20, 2002 #3 AT&T did a series of commercial just like that about 10 years ago visioning year 2000. We are still pretty far from the vision.
AT&T did a series of commercial just like that about 10 years ago visioning year 2000. We are still pretty far from the vision.