New window treatment?

Glad it resolved it. I'm not sure who likes using stage manager. For the last 5+ years, each year Apple seems to be trying to merge iOS and macOS to be the same thing, say over 10-15 year period. Stage manager seems to mirror more of the iPad experience. Not sure who would want to use that, unless you are spending your whole day working on a 13" MacBook monitor and you jump around a lot between apps, but I'd probably error on the side of using multiple desktops vs stage manager in that case. but maybe not. I guess I'll never know,
Sounds like a bug from the OS update. The windows vanishing could be how Safari is handling windows now. Try restarting Safari, resetting its settings, or clearing the cache. If that doesn't work, try turning off "Feature Flags" in Safari’s settings—it can cause weird issues sometimes. If it's still a problem, try restarting your Mac or even reinstalling the OS to fix it.