Newb, Needs helps and advice..


Ok.. just got my first MAC... days ago.. very excited, G5, runs really nice!! Really happy thus far.

A few concepts I don't understand and I need some advice in the right direction.

The machine is for me, in my office, as my workstation. I own the place and all the machines in it.

In it, is a completel PC network.
And I really do need some advice.

I run, in the back room, 2 machines, both running windows 2003 server.
The "PROLIANTSERVER" is used as a file storage machine. Everyone in the office has their own directory to store good, plus one big directory for all of our shared docs that we all use. The machine has an array, and the saftey factor is nice.

The second machine back there ("SQLSERVER") is really just a spare machine that I use for testing and development of web site stuff. I keep local copies of the sites i work with on my machine (my current windows pc), they get tested on SQLSERVER and the get backed up nightly to PROLIANTSERVER.

Everyone else in the office has a pc, and the PC up front (called RECEPTION) has a Samsung ML-1750 printer hanging off it. Everyone in the office, prints to that printer and everything runs smooth.


I have got the G5 running beside my PC. I bought an airport card and figured out how to hit our wireless router pretty easy and am in the internet, no problems there!

The mac shows on my windows pc's and I have figured out how to browse to see the network.

Here's some issues I need some serious advice towards and I dont really understand how all this works.

1) ON my personal windows PC, I keep a shortcut on my desktop that take me directly to MY directory on PROLIANTSERVER and the DOCUMENTS folder on PROLIANT SERVER. Further, I have a shortcut to a particular excel document that remains stored in MY directory on PROLIANTSERVER, and I open it ALL the time, it's an extremely important working document. And I basically need to be able to do the same on the mac.

I've figured out how to browse the network, I can see all PC's in my office. When I double click proliant server, it asks me for a username and passy, which I put in the same as the user account on the proliantserver, and then it asks me SMB MOUNT? and shows me a list of folders..... uhmmm... and to boot.. i see every folder EXCEPT the DOCUMENTS folder.

So I'm not clear what SMB mount means, however, I tried it, and I see that it adds an icon on the left side of the browser and lets me into what folder that or machine or whatever that it. Also puts an icon on the desktop. I;ve figured out how to creat an ALIAS to a particular folder, but if I reboot the MAC, it's of course not there when I boot up and any aliases created are PO'd and don't work.

Further, when I try to connect to say PROLIANTSERVER again, it sometimes tells me "the alias PROLIANTSERVER could not be opened because the original item cannot be found" and I can find now way to refresh the list of network computers.

What I want, is to be able to turn the computer on, be instantly connected to what I need to be connected to and have shortcuts on the desktop to the files that I need. + I really do need to be able to back up certain files to the windows machines daily. Id be happy right now with figuring out how to just get a working shorcut that worked everytime without having to retell the machine where everything is.

Can anyone shed any light into this longwinded bit of nonsense?
We're not even going to talk about printing right now and what ever the heck SMABA is.. (i can see the printer.. it just won't really print)
Ok .. as a follow up.. I have figured out that I can hit apple K and type in smb://proliantserver/STORE whatever .. type in the passy and connect.. even the folder that it wouldn't show me in the browse. It puts an icon on my desktop.. and I have no idea if they will stay.. but I'd like them too! :rolleyes:
1) ON my personal windows PC, I keep a shortcut on my desktop that take me directly to MY directory on PROLIANTSERVER and the DOCUMENTS folder on PROLIANT SERVER. Further, I have a shortcut to a particular excel document that remains stored in MY directory on PROLIANTSERVER, and I open it ALL the time, it's an extremely important working document. And I basically need to be able to do the same on the mac.

You can mount a network drive (as you have clearly worked out how to do) and drag the icon for it into Favourites, onto the Finder toolbar, into the dock, or even into Login items. If you drop the connected drive into login items it will connect automatically every time.

In short: To add something to Login Items, go to System Preferences and choose Login Items. You can now just drag the drive icon in there and that share will mount at startup every time!

thats exactly what i need..

Now when i look in system preferences.. i dont see login items However, under user accounts, there is a list for startup items

is this where i should be looking?

I think im kinda gettin the hang of how this works.. and of course.. the help file is.. .. well.. helpful! lol it did show me how to use the smb"// whatever to connect and I could certainly keep a list of favorite places to connect..

i even got a shortcut on my desktop to the files i need, when i reboot, i finally got it to just OPEN the file by keeping my login info in the "key chain"

btw, is there any way to look at what all is in your "key chain?"

Thanks! JH this where i should be looking?
Yes, its called "Startup items" in some versions/localisations of Mac OS X and "Login items" in others. Its the same thing.

btw, is there any way to look at what all is in your "key chain?"
Go to Applications --> Utilities --> Keychain Manager.
actually, if you're on the most recent os x (if you've got a G5, you're probably pretty current), which is 10.3.5, then here's how to find the login items.
go to System Prefs
go to Accounts
choose your account on OS X
go to the tab on the far right, titled Startup Items
drag your network drive to there.

you're good to go!
Why sometimes when I try to access a network computer does it tell me

"The Alias "SQLSERVER" could not be opend, because the original item cannot be found."

!!!! It's driving me nuts.. check it.. on one machine, TWO folders i access.. what i did was drag the folders that i needed after connecting to the DOCK... well I accidentally deleted one.. so when trying to browse the network to RE-add it.. it makes me LOG IN again to that machine.. but the gives me the message i put above, yet if i click the network icon in my dock for the OTHER folder on the SAME machine.. IT opens just fine. If I reboot, it will be fixed.. for the time being.. !! whats goin on?

BTW, i found the startup items under users... and got one of the folders added by clicking the + sign and browsing to it.. however, THAT folder was already mounted.. if I try to mount any others, it tells me it cant be found.. even though antoher folder of that machine is mounted.

ANyway to REFRESH the network without rebooting?