Newbie with a classic problem


I have system 10.3.9 installed with classic with which I haven't really had many problems, but today it has told me that it cannot launch classic as system 9 is not installed on the computer - It has been working fine up until today.

There is a folder called System Folder on the Hard drive along with sytem X and applications folder, so does anyone have any ideas how I can get it to recognise that there is in deed a system 9 installed?


you will have to reinstall the copy of OS 9. Makeing shere that you check the box to just reinsall a new copy of the syatem folder.
camgangrel21 said:
you will have to reinstall the copy of OS 9. Makeing shere that you check the box to just reinsall a new copy of the syatem folder.

What is the easiest way to reinstall system 9 without reinstalling X? Is OS 9 on the X discs? thanks
Ok. what Mac do you have because one mac type came with derfint software than others all what date was that mac made? Then once I have that info then I can help you know how to reinstill OS 9.
camgangrel21 said:
Ok. what Mac do you have because one mac type came with derfint software than others all what date was that mac made? Then once I have that info then I can help you know how to reinstill OS 9.

It is an eMac G4 1.25hz - which comes with two grey discs with system 10.3
It will be on one of the disk look at the labels one will say OS9 or Classic on it that is you reinstall disk. put it in you mac then do as it says and you should have your OS 9 back up and runing.