Newfound cleaner for your laptop


Hey there everyone... I was recently on a business trip and a small tragedy plagued my G4 powerbook. I use my laptop day in and day out so setbacks are bad for me... well, I was at a small restaraunt when I splattered soda on my machine as I was filling my drink at the fountain. The sticky had to be cleaned off and so I stopped at a local drug store to find something to clean it with. To my suprise, unscented, plain-jane baby wipes work beautifully. My machine shines like it was new and it doesn't have streaks on it like it does when I have used the expensive "laptop cleaner" in the past. Anyway, I thought I would just pass this along for anyone else who gets into a pinch like myself. Take care!
I use Alcohol preps (same thing the nurse/DR uses to clean your arm before a shot) on the plastic of my iBook, works like a charm. You can pick-up a box of 500 for $2 or $3 at Walgreens. My 14" one usually takes 2 to get the job done right.

The Laptop screen wipes also work pretty good if you're in a pinch, but they can get costly. Probably aren't much different than baby wipes.