No Sound in Garageband 3


I recently upgraded my iLife '05 to '06. Never used Garageband in both versions until yesterday. Thought I'd look at it to see what I could do with it, but I can't get any sound out of it whatsoever, not the grand piano, not the loops; nothing. It also won't let me open the preferences.

I have sound everywhere else except Garageband.

Any ideas?

Mac mini, 1.42mhz, 512MB RAM, Altec Lansing Speakers (old, analog), Superdrive.

3rd party audio/video programs installed: Audacity, Handbrake

Otherwise it's a pretty "out-of-the-box" system.

I had the same problem with Garageband 2. With Garageband open I went to preferences and then selected the Audio/midi tab on the pop up screen. I changed the audio output to the 'built in audio' and it then worked fine. Hope this helps.
I appreciate the reply, but if you'll read my post I stated Garageband won't allow me to open the preferences.

Also, I tried trashing both preference files and they didn't resolve anything either.

Can I resinstall just the GarageBand componenet of iLife '06? What's involved?
