No Speakable Items Folder Exists

Hi everyone...

I just turned on speakable items, and tested it out. I used to use it all the time, a while back, but have done a re-install since then. I noticed that none of the commands I was saying were prompting a response from the OS. I took at look in the Speakable Items folder, located in ~/Library/Speech, only to find that it was completely empty.

What would cause this? Did all the scripts that go in there somehow not get installed a while back when I installed Tiger?

How can I correct the issue? Where can I get all the scripts?

Is this indicative of a much larger problem, or is this common? I've been looking around for answers, but I haven't found one yet.

I'm running OS X 10.4.7 right now.

Thanks for any help that anyone can provide!
Found the issue:
It was a null value in the speakable items for Address Book. If you have a company defined in Address Book, but you don't have the company name entered, you get this problem. I created a new user account, and copied the Speakable Items folder from that one to my main account, as well, so that the files were there.

The tip (link) above explains it all, and tells you how to fix it.