No startup options or gong


Rusher of Din
All of a sudden I get no startup gong, and no keystrokes to boot to CD or single user mode have any effect. It just keeps on booting to the hard drive. Why would this be?

Originally posted by macidiot
does it actually boot up? have you tried holding down the option key?

Yeah, it boots to the hard drive. But Option actually did work. If that works, yet I get no gong and 'c' and 'cmd-s' don't do anything, what does that mean?
Originally posted by Hypernate
I knwo it sounds dumb, but... are your speakers on/connected? Is the volume muted? Or really low?

No, it wasn't dumb. :) I realized I had the keyboard mute set. That always catches me. So the gong does seem to work, and I figured out the other problem as well! I installed the other day the Open Firmware password utility. Woops. :)

Thanks for the help.