No such file or directory


Hi just a quick question from a unix idiot. When I open my terminal I get a message like this:

Last login: Thu Aug 26 11:27:18 on console
Welcome to Darwin!
tcsh: /sw/bin/init.csh: No such file or directory.
[humn147-101-dhcp:~] chrisgra%

does anyone know what is going on with that third line? I am trying to access a server, and it requires me to use the terminal, but it is not working, so I am guessing it has something to do with that third line. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
When you open your terminal, type the following
less .profile

There should be a line there that says /sw/bin/init.csh. That came from the installation of fink and it doesn't cause any problems if you have removed fink. What kind of server are you trying to access, and what error message are you getting?