Nokia 3650 users and Mac site

It's a good site. Needs a few more links to other 3650 sites, but it's pretty good.
How do you like the 3650 over the 7250? How much was the cost difference?
The 3650 is great better everything over the 7650 (Battery, Camera Memeories!!) stiil prefer 7650 joystick though maybe the 6600 will be the the best of both worlds, I undgraded in Cambodia for USD330 (plus 7650 +USD50)
I haven't tried iCal yet. Are you using sync 1.1? However, in a different topic, I upgraded my QT to 6.3.3 and the 3gp converter. Works very nice.
I am using 1.1 iSync but still cannot get iCal to work but it works with Palm IIIc ok

have yet to try QT and 3gp......
Excellent, thanks for the link. I converted a home movie I made from QT to 3gp and used a card reader to drop it into and it works great. I went with the default settings and it worked fine, though I do plan on eventually tweaking the settings to see what I can come up with.

It's not a bad starting point, but have you been to