Non-Mac-centricity on a Mac site


Where mah "any" keys at?
I find it somewhat interesting that this very site sometimes seems geared more toward PC users than Mac users. The main example is the fact that on PC's, the scrollbars all have custom brown colors, even though scrollbar colors are not even implemented on the Mac. I can't think of anything else right now, but I'm sure there's something that someone else can find.
Considering this software was built by Windows centric people... that would explain why more features work in IE than they do in Safari or Netscape or evne IE on the Mac.

But, that is the people who make the software... not the people who run the site.
vBulletin is the forum software, and it runs lots of forums on the Web.

You put the software on you server (anything that runs php), then set up your look and feel for the pages and buttons etc., then vBulletin does all the text-handling and file-juggling involved in a forum. :)

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, and you'll see the fine print.
Okay, so why does the format of this site include colored scrollbars? I can see running the software off a PC, but why incorporate a design scheme for a Mac site that includes features not found on the Mac? This doesn't make sense to me... it seems most of this site's target audience won't even see the colored scrollbars (I wouldn't have if I didn't TA at school), so I'd like to know why it was included.
1st - i would simply say "why not?"

2nd - Scottw (and others) often access the site thru their wintels at work or a friend's. why not make the site look as nice as possible? obviously you were using a wintel to notice this !! :eek:

it's like you're asking "why wear anything but black and white if your wife is colorblind?"

really, i don't get your beef :confused:
Well, the vBulletin setup probably comes with colored scrollbars as an option by default, and the authors just decided to set it for something instead of trying to delete it? right?

The next version of IE for Mac might have this why not leave the option there if it doesn't hurt anything.