Norton CD start


Just wondering if anyone can help me with some problems ive been having with Norton Systemworks. Whenever I run the disk doctor, it tells me I have major problems and I need to start up from the CD. Unfortunatly my 12" Powerbook refuses to start from the Norton CD when I hold down the "C" key. Any info on this problem would be greatly appreciated!

Your 12" Powerbook will not run Mac OS 9, which the Norton CD uses. (Of course, you can still run earlier programs in Classic mode under OS X.)

*Try restarting your computer and immediately hold down 'command s' (the command key is the Apple key; hold it like a shift key).

You will see lots of text that is usually hidden.
*When it's done, type

fsck -y (and then press the return key)

This is the FileSystemCheck program. It should fix the problems on your hard drive.

*You may have to run it twice or more times. If the last message is "The filesystem was modified", type fsck -y again and press 'return'. Continue until it says, "The filesystem appears to be ok."

* Type 'reboot' and press 'return' to reboot into OS X.

*** WARNING: Use this or any disk repair program at your own risk. Even though it's rare, you could lose data.

(I apologize if any of this was too elementary.)

I forgot about Safe Boot Mode. Boot, hold shift (after the startup chime sound), and that should fix the disk automatically.

**I've never tried it, though.

Okay so this thread may be wondering a bit...
Doug, thanks for the help!! Thanks for being elementary too!! I'm still learning. I tried to safe boot and that did not work to solve the problems that Norton claims I have. I tried doing the 'command-s' thing as well and entered 'fsck -y' about 8 or nine times until I decided to 'reboot'. I never got the 'filesystem appears to be ok.'
The reports that came back a said:
'Catalog File
overlapped extent allocation (file 202151d)
overlapped extent allocation (file 202152d)'

I really have no idea what this means. Any insight would be great.



* Do you still have tech support from Apple? Get them to help.

* Do you have, or can you borrow an external Firewire hard drive or iPod? Can you boot from it and then run Norton on your internal hard drive?

I have an iPod, I don't have apple support. Unfortunatley I really am not sure how to boot my computer from the iPod. If you can walk me throught it like you did the other that would be great. By the way, great Board!! I just discovered it the other day and I'm already hooked!! I've found a number of solutions to problems ive been having.
Yeah, I love

Unfortunately, I don't have an iPod. Can someone who does have one help granthac boot from it.

You may have to format it and install OS X on it to boot. Too complicated for me to guess. . .

at least if you want my advice to be good :)
