Not connecting to network w/ Safari/IE. Fox works fine.


Firefox is working fine when connecting to the internet. IE and Safari do not connect, get a response or anything. I connect wirelessly with airport on my Powerbook G4 to my local network and hotspots and also with my cell phone as a modem.

Firefox continues to work, but the other two will not connect. I've checked the proxy settings, network settings and all the above. Everything is correct, but no go.

Any thoughts?
So what exactly happens? What does the status bar at the bottom say? (you may have to unhide the status bar for Safari).
IE, on the other hand, displays, "Connecting to" until it times out and says a connection failure occured.

Firefox just responds immediately.

Oh, and FWIW, I'm connected through a Linksys router or a AP then to the router on my home/ office network, depending on where I'm at.
Why is IE trying to contact That's likely the address of your router; is that what you have set up to be your home page?

One thing I'd try is to use the "Reset Safari" option (available from the "Safari" menu), which will clear out your cache files. Sometimes corrupt cache files can interfere with page loads.
I'm not sure why IE is trying to contact that address. It's the address in the web proxy in Sys. Pref. That address is of the router like you said.

Reset Safari and it's still doing the same thing. I deleted the cookies and cache on those two browsers earlier and tried going through the help programs.