Senior Member & Tech Guru
Apprently, there is an article that represents that Toshiba will soon have 10GB and 20GB versions of their thin HD. Apple will not confirm that Toshiba's 5GB version of said drive is or is not the drive in the iPod, but they did admit--strangely enough--that it is the only OEM that has a drive small enough to fit in the iPod's enclosure. So, unless Apple built a custom drive in-house (not!) it is likely the Toshiba mechanism in the iPod. Thus, it is 'possible', THOUGH NOT ANY KIND OF NECESSARY FOLLOWING, that the iPod may eventually have a 10GB and/or 20GB version. This would, as it turns out, allow iPod to remain competitive with SONICblue's new offering which DOES have a 20GB HD and IS almost as small as the iPod but uses USB instead of the superior FireWire (in other words, it's slow as molasses compared to the iPod).
I'm going to research the Toshiba-side some more and report back. But let's not get too excited about this. Pleeeze folks. It's *just* an unconfirmed possibility.
I'm going to research the Toshiba-side some more and report back. But let's not get too excited about this. Pleeeze folks. It's *just* an unconfirmed possibility.