Number keys are inactive..why??


In OSX.1 my number keys have stopped working on the numeric keypad. This only occurs in osX, but they are fine in os9.2.1.

I have tried most system prefs to try and activate them, but nothing works...!!!
The culprit is Universal access. I also had a problem with that ridiculous 'press shift five times' thing. Both are turned on and off by checking the checkbox at the top of the Universal Access preference pane. It's marked 'Use keyboard shortcuts to turn universal access features on or off'

Chances are you'll find that if you press and hold the numeric keys the mouse cursor will (eventually) start moving. When you type normal characters you reset an 'initial delay' much like the keyboard repeat delay, except that the numeric keypad won't move the mouse cursor until this delay is met.

Ack- this is barely coherent. Uncheck that checkbox and all should be well (also check that Mouse Keys are disabled).

Must sleep.
Thanks a million!!
I love X.1 so much, it was getting me frustrated and even contemplated re-formatting....

...but unchecking those boxes worked a treat!
..thankyou sir!