Odd Airport behavior


Hi. We have Comcast service and two laptops- one iBook and one Ti. Both have Airport and are connected wirelessly to Airport base station (snow). The iBook works flawlessly and the wireless connection is excellent all around the house (either full or 3/4 at any point of the house). Cable speed is excellent also. HOWEVER, the Ti sucks. Take it more than 5 ft away from the ABS and reception starts to stink. Go into another room- forget it- no signal. Cable speed is not great and after 30 or so minutes of use, there's no signal anymore.

Doesn't make sense because- the Ti works just fine at our friend's house, and she has a Linksys router.

Any ideas?
It is known that the Ti has a worse range for aiport than the ibooks. The little windows are not really enough to allow the signal get through the titanium case. Anyway, there are some tricks you can use to increase the signal range. Didn't work for everyone, but I recall a lot of ppl got satisfied after this. Search in the forum. You should find it. I just remember this:
1. you should remove the battery and make sure the ti is not plugged
2. there is a sticker on the side where one of those antenna-windows are.
3. gently press this sticker against the case. Several times!
4. plug your battery and test your range.

It seems to happen that the antenna loses it's contact after some time if not even from the beginning. Pressing against the sticker will refit the cable-connection. As I said; worked for many ppl but not all. But I think it's worth to try. Use search to find the detailed description.
Good luck!