odd Photoshop problem


i have Photoshop 7.0.1.

and i've only noticed this problem since i updated to 10.2.

the problem is, using Photoshop eats up my disk space. this never happened to me before. i just tested this again, 5 minutes ago, here's what happened:

1) before i started up PS, i had 550.1 MB of disk space available.
2) i started up PS and opened up a 32.9 MB .psd file.
3) i edited the file and saved a copy (save as) of the .psd file to my desktop.
4) i trashed the copy and quit Photoshop.
5) i wind up with 471.7 MB of disk space available.

and i can't recover this disk space without a restart. this never happened to me pre-10.2, and i've been using PS since OS 8/PS 5.5.

the only clue to this i have is that right before i used PS in 10.2 for the first time, i installed the latest version of Tinkertool. i've since gotten rid of Tinkertool, but the problem remains. it's really no big deal, but if i work on enough stuff in PS, i start getting "you're running out of disk space" errors and am forced to restart. has anyone else experienced this? or does anyone have any suggestions on how to remedy this?

oh and installed the PS 7.0.1 update BEFORE i installed 10.2, back in the 10.1.5 days.

Jaguar broke my Photoshop. :cries:
Photoshop likes to have it's own way in handling memory and scratch-disk...it's actually not much to be worried about.
Originally posted by DMCrimson
Photoshop likes to have it's own way in handling memory and scratch-disk...it's actually not much to be worried about.

you know, you're right.

but...this is starting to effect my PS work. back in the day (OS 8/9 & X-pre Jag) if i had any disk space/memory problems with PS, i could simply quit PS and solve my problems. but now i HAVE to restart, and that's a pain. especially considering that i have only half a gig of disk space available these days. so the problem comes up quite frequently. i'm just disappointed that Jaguar apparently made Photoshop harder to deal with.
I'm not on a machine with photoshop right now but can't you look in the prefs and find out where the scratch disk is stored? once you do this, just go in and delete the scratch after you've exited photoshop.
Originally posted by Rhino_G3
I'm not on a machine with photoshop right now but can't you look in the prefs and find out where the scratch disk is stored? once you do this, just go in and delete the scratch after you've exited photoshop.

good suggestion, but actually i've thought of this. i only have one hard drive, so it shouldn't be that tough to find....the trouble is, i have no idea what it would be called, or where it would be located...in my PS preferences, the scratch disk is just set for "startup disk", so that doesnt' help me much...
The fact that the file vanishes on reboot is a good clue to its location; it is standard UNIX behavior to blow out the contents of /tmp on restart (it's actually part of the boot procedure). After starting PS7.0 and opening a file, a quick look in the Terminal shows a file at:

/tmp/501/Cleanup At Startup/Photoshop Temp47761

consuming 50MB.

In order to see and remove files in /tmp, you will either need to use the terminal, or a utility like Tinkertool (see versiontracker).

(Normally, I would use this space to explain how to do it in the terminal, but with all the spaces in that ridiculous pathname, it would digress into a discussion of shell escaping and string quoting... If you know how to do it in the terminal, go nuts, otherwise, use somehting like tinkertool)

Hope this helps...
alex, yes thanks, that did help somewhat...though i'll admit i know next to nothing about unix. but at least i can navigate to the tmp/501/ directory in Terminal.

but, i don't think i'll be deleting any files via Terminal, not at least until i actually know what i'm doing.

as for Tinkertool, if you read my first post, i just recently got rid of it. it was causing trouble. at least, i only had trouble after i installed it. so i don't think i'll be going that route. guess i'll just have to settle for rebooting.

i just think it's odd that i've never had this happen until upgrading to 10.2. i'm pretty sure that PS temp file used to get trashed upon quitting PS. or perhaps i only noticed because have so little disk space these days. i dunno. but thanx anyways, i can work around this.
Hum, I seem to remember that PS has ability to "flush" the cache itself...it's in some menu, but you'll lose history etc. along that...