Office 11 for Mac within 18 to 24 months...

This is obviously some new use of the word "need" I haven't seen before. ;-)

he he ... just kidding.
Well that's fine for me, I just purchased Office v.X last week and don't want to be left in the dust too soon...
Sadly, this means that we'll see a Windows version of Office 11 in about half a year and then get some incompatibilities for what, 12 months? Yes, sure, Office 11 on the PC will be able to open and save Office 10 files, but will we be able to work with PC users' new files? If not...

I think it was important for Microsoft to stay with the basic file format ever since Office 97/98 (Win/Mac). Now that everything will go XML (which is good), the Mac will be left in the dust once more? I hope we'll see plugins for Office v. X that let us work seamlessly with those files (where no advanced special Office 11 features are used).