Oh! The joys of running Mac OS X and Classic on an iBook 500MHz G3 with 64mb ram!


Well, I never thought it would be so much fun! It takes like 10 minutes to start up classic. and you can't do anything else why it is starting. It is so slow, the 'Starting Classic' window doesn't even render properly. Oh yeah, it is running OS X 10.0.3, which is most of the problem. I'd upgrade it it 10.1, but as far as I know, the school doesn't have an upgrade disc for it... but it does have Mac OS X install disc for a PowerMac and lotsa iMacs... I think they are system restore disks. Are they usable on the iBook or would they school have to buy an upgrade disk?

Any ideas at all would be really appreciated, because I need to do an iMovie and an iPhoto demo at the Cairns show for my school, and part of the iPhoto demo is morphing people's faces with Painter Classic which only runs in Classic and I can't leave Classic running, so I'll have to statrt it up when I need it, but I can't because the people will get bored.

So, short of saying 'you're screwed' or 'get more ram', because i can't do that, please, any ideas will help!

Well, I was about to say "get more ram" but you said not to...

Seriously, I'd say most of the problem is not enough ram - OS X isn't even supposed to run on less than 128. I've heard that it will install on 64 but it says not to use classic - so there's your problem.

Unfortunately, I don't think there's a lot you can do short of buying more ram, or just staying with OS 9. My iBook - only a 300 MHz original, btw - with 160 ram works perfectly acceptably with X.

damn... ah well... would upgrading to 10.1 make a difference (I'll have to con the teacher!)... iPhoto can't be run in Mac OS 9, can it?
Originally posted by adamr
damn... ah well... would upgrading to 10.1 make a difference (I'll have to con the teacher!)... iPhoto can't be run in Mac OS 9, can it?
no :-(

oh and BTW i feel your pain (i have he same setup only i an running 10.1.5 you really should ty and find a disc it REALLY speeds things up
To be honest with you, if you can't get 128mb minimum, OS X is not even worth trying. Stick with classic, and hey, maybe Linux as well. Don't torture yourself.
iPhoto is an OS X only app, but there are plenty of good apps out there that can help you out with handling your pics, though none handle digital camera pics as easily as iPhoto. Might I suggest you get GraphicConvertor, a shareware program that includes a browser, which will run under OS 9 with CarbonLib. There are lots of others there.
Don't stress. Just try and make the most of what you've got to work with. If that's OS 9, then cool.