Old HP 6MP printer to MiniMac -referral here to get answer


I am trying to keep good old things working.(Including ME!) The following Q&A was posted on AllExperts, but I was referred here in the end. I hope someone knows what to do.
Here goes:

Question -
old printer to MiniMac

I have a Mac Mini, maxed out on ram, running OS 10.4.1.
I want to use an HP Laserjet 6MP, using an Asante ethernet
bridge, I have the latest HP 6MP drivers installed, but I'm lost
trying to set up the connection. I need a hand holding walk


Can you see the printer in the Printer Setup Utility?
If you can, try setting it up in there.

Bob Wood


old printer to MiniMac
Followup To Bob Wood

When I run the installer, I choose custom install so I'm not hassling
with a nonexistant OS9.
When I go to printer setup, it's not there. I "add printer" and the dialog
box gives me 3 options: 1- Line Printer Daemon-LPD, 2-HP Jet Direct
Socket, and 3-Internet Printing Protocol.

The dialog box wants address, Queue, name, location, and "print

Remember, This printer is a serial printer run through an Asante
Ethernet bridge to my ethernet port.(I'm not online with this computer-
So, what next?


Open a browser to this page, it's local;
This will show the information.

Bob Wood


That opened up new territory for me! I have added the printer, but
can't make it work. On the
window that said,"Device URI:". There was the word "pap" already there. (I got
rid of it because it wasn't in
the examples.) Then, I was asked to create a path (I think), and it gave
me examples,
such as"http://hostname:631/ipp/",lpd://hostname/que...blah, blah. I
used a hostname that is
the logon name for the computer(manager).

In Printer setup, I can see the printer name (Laserjet), and the location
(office), but Queue name
and host name are empty. So, I'm assuming that I am in error at the
DeviceURI" window."


Answer -

1st verify that you have AppleTalk active. It has to be active.

2nd, assuming that all of your Ethernet cords are connected, the
AsanteTalk needs to be
powered up after the printer has been powered up and has reached the
ready state. The
AsanteTalk polls the network when it's powered up, if your printer is
not powered up and in the
ready state during the polling process, then it won't make a

3rd, the easiest way to do this is with everything powered up and
connected, just pull the power
cord on the AsanteTalk, wait 5-10 seconds, plug it back in, wait
another 5-10 seconds, and it
should then be available in the Print Utility.

Bob Wood


Asante unpowered and repowered. No change. The laser jet can be
seen listed as a printer, but
when I try to print ,I get "unable to lookup host 'manager'-unknown
host." (manager is my login name)

I printer setup show info window, the QUEUE NAME is blank, as is the
HOST NAME. I will refer you
back to my previous email detailing this. Please review that for me.

Also,in Network utility, every button that indicates Appletalk function is
full of data, so I suppose
appletalk in on. I've not been to any Appletalk windows since OS9,
which had an on/off button.




I'm at a loss here.
Got to this forum;
post this question in the Hardware forum. Someone there should be able to help.
Bob Wood

I appreciate Bob's efforts and thank him for his referrral here.
Now, any takers?
You are very, very close!
OS X is different from OS 8-9 in this one area... Without a valid IP address entered into network > ethernet preferences, OS X assumes that ethernet isn't working! Since appletalk only works over ethernet now, that means that appletalk is off, too.
Go to Network preferences > Show built-in ethernet > TCP/IP tab. Set "Configure IPv4: Manually." Now enter this local-only IP address: Now go to the appletalk tab and make sure it is on.
Now go to Printer Setup (or Print & Fax prefs) and ADD the printer. If it doesn't (almost) immediately show up in the default browser window with appletalk next to the name, then reset the Asante and printer by powering off for 15 secs and the back on (as bob described is good).

Because of changes Apple has made to appletalk, you may have to occasionally do this power-off reset in the future.

Some other info - the printer uses localtalk/appletalk, not serial.
"pap" = printer access protocol = the printer part of appletalk.

Please let us know how it goes.
I am ever sooooo much closer than I was.. but no cigar yet. (However, I am humbled by guys who toss mystery numbers around.) I did as you said, which numbered the printer as rather than Laserjet6MP, but thats OK. It found the printer, launched an icon and tried to print. But, a printer dialog box said that was bus-will retry in 5 seconds, 10, 20, etc. It never did. I powered/depowered the Asante.

OK, you missed the one little step where I said the printer will show up with appletalk next to it in the "default browser." Right after you click ADD, the window that comes up has two icons on the top - default browser and ip printer. You need to click default browser. Your printer, using the Asante, doesn't/can't have an IP address. If you followed the instructions, your computer has an ethernet IP address of, but not the printer.

Does that help?