OmniWeb 4.1b5 vs. b6


Rusher of Din
After using b6 for a while, I downloaded b5 to try. Much faster. b6 always felt really sluggish clicking on links and scrolling with the mouse wheel and such. Much better now.
hmm.. Can't say I agree.. i am running b6 and it is the fastest version I have downloaded.. I am on G4-800/56k, and there is a big difference..

B6 is the best for speed for me especially when clicking links because it is the first one that when you click a link, (and the entire web page is NOT loaded yet), it cancels all the links on the current page in favor of loading the next web page..

I am pretty sure I was running b5 before this......:confused:
b6 is certainly a lot faster than 4.0.x which I downloaded first. The speed is quite OK , but I can't compare with b5.
I agree with cclear -- b6 is faster for me than b5. Especially since it stops loading the page when I click on a link. I have no mouse wheel, so can't relate the relative speed of that...

There were other things fixed in b6 that I wanted, but I can't remember what they are right now.
Very interesting. I'll try b6 again, but I am finding a noticeable difference in performance with b5 over b6.
I think that beta 5 is faster than beta 6, but it's not that big of a deal now that there are a couple sneaky peeks after b6 available again. The latest has a really annoying, bug, though, in which it often cuts off tables at and here at
Originally posted by simX
I think that beta 5 is faster than beta 6, but it's not that big of a deal now that there are a couple sneaky peeks after b6 available again. The latest has a really annoying, bug, though, in which it often cuts off tables at and here at

Thanks, simX. I thought it was you who had originally mentioned the b5 vs. b6. b5 is so much smoother for me. I'll check out the later sneeky peaks, at least after the buggy one you mentioned. :)

This reminds me of something. I wonder if we should have another forum for web browsers, since some people get pissed off about the discussions. :)