OmniWeb 4.2b1 is officially out. While it's still behind in speed and compatibility, they've done it AGAIN! A great feature update. It may be small for some, but I think it's great.
Every text entry field sports a '+' sign (great on forums) that opens a text entry window/sheet. There you can edit your post much better than in the - mostly too small - entry fields. That's also great for my site.
I'm using it right now, and after having been on Safari for almost amonth, I'm starting to miss OmniWeb. Maybe I'm moving back until Safari is final.
Every text entry field sports a '+' sign (great on forums) that opens a text entry window/sheet. There you can edit your post much better than in the - mostly too small - entry fields. That's also great for my site.
I'm using it right now, and after having been on Safari for almost amonth, I'm starting to miss OmniWeb. Maybe I'm moving back until Safari is final.