OmniWeb 5 Preview...


I have issues, OK!
Looks like a pretty significant update to OmniWeb.

Not entirely happy with an upgrade cost, but it's only $10, so that's not too bad.

The reason I've posted this here is because there's some very good features for developers. The WorkSpaces feature is _bound_ to be a work flow enhancer for people like me who have half a dozen windows open, each one with a zillion tabs.

Happy hacking...
I really like this, I dont use OmniWeb right now, but I could see myself switching (from safari)... BUT then again, we should see an update to our browser very they say (they being ThinkSecret)...

I LOVE those tumbnail tabs.
Omniweb 5 seems to take the tabbed browsing experience to a new level. Seems so obvious, to make it similar in function to, say, the dock! I'll look forward to this.
uoba said:
Omniweb 5 seems to take the tabbed browsing experience to a new level. Seems so obvious, to make it similar in function to, say, the dock! I'll look forward to this.

I'm not too sure I do like the new side draw tab thingy!

I'd like the option of normal tabs and previews. I find draws to be a little clunky; a la Mail.

The site preferences is likely to be the show-stopper for me...
I _love_ Safari, and I've bought a license to OmniWeb, but the problem for me, with both browsers is the common code base they use; WebCore.

The CSS rendering of form objects / elements is almost totally ignored which drives me to distraction.

So, when I go into a meeting, I have to use Mozilla / Netscape to preview my web applications to my clients .. which I hate.

In my opinion, the web _is_ the platform, so Apple shouldn't be trying impose it's look & feel onto web pages...
Wow, have you inputted a form in Omniweb 5! It has a little icon to click on each box... this expands out into a text input area, which'll even allow you to import text.

Amazing! :)