one identified cause of a kernel panic


mac shaman
it's a long story but i'll get to the point, while trying to install jaguar, i kept getting kernel panics during boot up. this was a brand new copy of jag and there was previously nothing wrong with my mac.

the eventual culprit - a dirty cd drive that basically cleaned itself on the boot cd. once i washed off the dirt it had deposited on the cd, all went fine. not a KP since.

so it appears that dirt is a possible factor in a panic. i can't say for sure, but i would guess that any dirt that interferes with a connection or transfer of data, could contribute to this.
I'll second that. Even if it doesn't crash your mac, I think a LOT of the really crazy problems out there with OS X are from faulty reads from the installer CD. Why oh why isn't there a checksum utility to see if any of the standard files are wonky?